Saturday 29 March from 10am to 4pm
Adult: $225
What sets popular inspirational books apart? What key skills help get you over the line when writing a motivational book? What are mind, body, spirit readers looking for right now?
Join author Maggie Hamilton to deep dive into the mind, body, spirit genre. A former Allen & Unwin publisher, Maggie created and ran the Inspired Living imprint, producing over 75 mind, body, spirit books.
In this lively hands-on workshop for writers of all stages, discover how best to describe inspirational experiences and approaches, and how to build on these insights to keep busy readers focused and engaged. Learn what to leave in, and what to edit out. Find out how best to arrive at your own voice, and to weave in the voices of others.
This writing course, Mind, Body, Spirit: Writing Books That Inspire with Maggie Hamilton, will take place at Writing NSW in Sydney.
Topics covered will include:
Current mind, body, spirit trends
Understanding your audience
Common mistakes mind, body, spirit writers make
How to draw up a solid chapter outline
The secrets of an impactful opening
What to do when a chapter or section feels thin
When to consider using case studies
The rules around interviewing
Why layering matters
Essential editing tips
How to keep your readers with you to the last page
What to look for when soliciting feedback
Preparing your submission to publishers.
In this workshop, you will:
Learn to write to your specific audience
Learn how to fine tune your ideas and polish your manuscript
Gain an understanding of when your manuscript is ready for submission.