Saturday 17 May from 2pm to 4:30pm
Starting from: Premium $140 | A $114 | B $88 | C $60 | D $45 Concessions $126| A $103| B $79 | C $55 | D $41 Under 30 $30. A booking fee of $8.95 per transaction applies.
You know the William Tell overture (well, you know the Lone Ranger tune from the end), but where did Rossini go from there?
William Tell was his last opera, a grand creation for the Paris audience. After that he retired, only to emerge three decades later to write a ‘Little Solemn Mass’ – defying its name with music that’s expansive and joyous.
Sydney Philharmonia’s Festival Chorus sings Rossini’s final masterpiece with dramatic highlights from Act I of William Tell.