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Newington College

Engaging Questions 2025: Thought Experiments

200 Stanmore Rd
Stanmore NSW 2048
Newington College

Wednesday 26 March from 9am to 3pm


Starting from: $50

This annual workshop is a joint venture between the Centre for Critical Thinking and Ethics at Newington College and the Association for Philosophy in schools NSW. Sessions are tailored for secondary philosophy teachers but are open to all teachers wishing to engage their students' conceptual thinking in communities of inquiry.

The 2025 workshop will help teachers to consolidate and extend their skills in using thought experiments as part of collaborative inquiry. Specifically, this course will introduce several classic thought experiments and assist teachers to practice their skills in tracking and responding to students' critical thinking in exploring the challenges they raise. As such, the day will focus on metacognition and in composing quality feedback for students in these areas.

Teachers will be given resource packets to use in their own classrooms.

The course fee of $50 per person covers catering, including lunch and refreshments.

RSVP here by 19 March.

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