Sunday 8 June from 5pm to 6:30pm
Starting from: Premium $90 All reserves | Concessions $81 | Under 30 Not applicable for this concert. A booking fee of $8.95 per transaction applies.
‘Behold, the sea itself!’
For his first symphony, Ralph Vaughan Williams took the poetry of Walt Whitman and transformed it into a magnificent musical creation for choir and orchestra, reaching out to us across the decades with all the optimism of the dawning 20th century.
It’s the kind of music that choirs absolutely love – visceral and uplifting, hundreds of voices carried on the swell of a full symphony orchestra – and it’s the perfect choice for ChorusOz, Sydney Philharmonia Choirs’ annual ‘big sing’.
This symphony goes beyond ‘the sea itself’ and the blazing fanfares of its opening minutes. Through powerful words and evocative music, it takes us on a voyage through time and touches in moving and sometimes turbulent ways on the human element: our relationship with the sea.
With hundreds of singers, professional soloists and full orchestra under the inspiring direction of Brett Weymark, ChorusOz is one of the most uplifting choral events of the concert calendar. Join us as we gather under the sails of the Sydney Opera House for the musical and emotional journey of A Sea Symphony.