Tuesday 29 April from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Adult: $55
So, you’ve finished, or nearly finished your manuscript, and are ready to take those first trembling steps towards getting published. For a first-time author, there is so much that is unknown about the publishing process that it can be hard to imagine where to start.
This seminar with award-winning author, podcaster and editor Irma Gold will give you the tools and the knowledge to navigate the publishing waters with confidence and a sense of direction. You’ll delve into the inner workings of the publishing world and learn about each stage of the publishing process: from how to work with agents, how to get your manuscript in front of publishers, what to expect from a publisher’s publicity department – to how to pitch to festivals and how to work with booksellers.
This seminar, Everything You Need to Know Before Getting Published with Irma Gold, will take place online.
Expected Learning Outcomes
In this seminar, participants will:
Learn how to navigate the publication process
Learn how to maximise publicity and work with agents
Gain an understanding of what happens behind the scenes of the publishing industry.